Thursday, October 5, 2023

From the "Really" File - (DELETE CNN)

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Genesis 1:27

"CNN caught the internet’s attention after rolling out an in-depth
guide on the usage of ‘
neopronouns’. The network’s guide embraces unique genderless pronouns such as ‘leaf/leafself’, ‘sun’, and ‘star’. This initiative aims to educate the public on the complexities of gender identity.

Imagine exploring a linguistic landscape where grammar transcends traditional gender markers. This is precisely what
CNN ventured to do in their engaging piece, “A guide to neopronouns, from ae to ze”. The article delves into the fascinating world of neopronouns, sharing enlightening insights from leading experts in the field. Their advice to readers? Approach these emerging neopronouns – from ‘leaf’ to ‘star’ – with the same respect and everyday usability one would any conventional pronoun.....neopronouns are a type of pronoun that
From the "Really" File
were not traditionally included in languages but have recently been created and popularized to address gender identities outside the binary norms.

Nounself pronouns are a subset of neopronouns where individuals use everyday objects, nature, and even mythical creatures as part of their pronouns.

Some individuals express reservations about neopronouns and ‘nounself’ pronouns, voicing concerns that terms like ‘leaf’, ‘leafself’, ‘sun’, or ‘star’ may seem “eccentric” or might add complexities.

CNN’s story sparked quite a buzz. "