Friday, October 6, 2023

Creation Moment 10/7/2023 - "an inherent design".....

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Psalm 139:14

"Recently, researchers from the University of Sydney, University of Queensland, and University of Cambridge “have confirmed that human brains are naturally wired to perform advanced calculations, much like a high-powered computer, to make sense of
the world through a process known as
Bayesian inference.”

Bayesian inference
is a statistical method that combines prior knowledge with updated evidence to make an intelligent guess regarding a hypothesis. Put another way, it’s a method to assess how new information influences the chances that a current belief (hypothesis) continues to be correct.

Harrison et al. said, “We found that the tuning of the human visual system is highly conditional on stimulus-specific variations in a way that is not predicted by previous proposals.”

Co-author of the Nature paper, Dr. Reuben Rideaux of the University of Sidney stated, “What makes this finding significant is the confirmation that our brains have an inherent design that allows this advanced form of processing, enabling us to interpret our surroundings more effectively.”