Monday, October 30, 2023

Creation Moment 10/31/2023 - Slapping a "Made in Darwin's Image" sticker on the Cosmos

But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; 
1 Corinthians 1:27

"Scientists and philosophers have unveiled what they are referring to as a “missing law of nature.” The new law claims to describe the behaviors of complex systems across the universe, addressing a gap in the established physical laws.
Physical laws like gravity and thermodynamics are well-known, yet they have not been able to comprehensively explain the behavior of complex systems in the universe.
It articulates that these systems naturally evolve to states of increased diversity and complexity, marking a significant stride in our comprehension of natural processes and systems.
The Carnegie Institution for Science affirms that complex natural systems, whether living or nonliving, are formed from different components like atoms and molecules.
Their work builds upon Charles Darwin’s theory ....The newly introduced law, termed “the Law of Increasing Functional Information,” postulates that systems evolve when diverse configurations undergo selection for one or more functions.
The team identified three distinct types of ‘selection for function’ in nature: stability, dynamic systems nurtured by ongoing energy supplies, and novelty.....stresses that the theory of selection for function isn’t restricted to biological systems but is applicable to stars, atoms, and minerals. Each is subject to selective pressures, leading to the evolution of myriad configurations across the natural world.
The introduction of this law opens doors to a deeper comprehension of the universe’s existence and the distinct characteristics of life compared to other complex evolving systems."
SO since they can't explain the diversity they see across the cosmos---they decide it's Darwinian evolution that they should apply to space
too.....basically life--and the cosmos--has too much complexity and diversity for them so they give up and slap a "
Made in Darwin's Image
" sticker on it.
1) Nature is clearly DESIGNED by hence, a DESIGNER
2) Some of life has built in VARIATION within a kind--preprogrammed data for some variation--like different shapes, sizes and colors of plants, animals and humans.