Friday, October 27, 2023

Creation Moment 10/28/2023 - Internal Context

Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things... Isaiah 40:26

"The internal context for the Creation account is comprised of 
1) chronology, that is, the Creation event took place at a point in time
called ‘the beginning’; 
2) sequence, that is, there were enumerated created items on each of the days; and 
3) duration, that is, the whole Creation event took a specified time—six days. 

In like manner the global Flood may be also analyzed from within by the very same terms of 
1) chronology, the age of Noah at the beginning of the Flood, 
2) sequence, the waters rise, prevail, subside, etc., and 
3) duration, given by the age of Noah at the end of the Flood." CMI