Monday, September 25, 2023

Zealotry Devoid of Godly Wisdom

"All seek answers and must make decisions. 
We are living in such a time. 
But religious zealotry devoid of Godly wisdom is no substitute for a sanctified heart, as evidenced by an obedient spirit. 
Sabbath keeping is truly the sign of true obedience and sanctification.
John writes: “Here is the patience of the saints, here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” (Revelation 14:12).

--God established the Sabbath truth when the universe was created
--It was preached by the prophets and practiced by Jesus. 
--The Sabbath was honored by the apostles and revered by the early church. 
--The Sabbath was lost sight of for a period of time during the dark ages of Roman Catholic apostasy, when the Bible was taken away from the people. God is, in these times, revealing His Sabbath truth to His people. "