Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Papal Notes - Greasing the Skids for a Mother Earth Tithe

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Galatians 1:6

"The Vatican announced Tuesday it will generate a carbon credit to offset the climate debt incurred by its upcoming synod of bishops in Rome.

The General Secretariat of the Synod intends to make its contribution to the conservation of creation by choices that will offset the residual CO2 emissions produced by the upcoming XVI General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, the Vatican declared.

Part of the CO2 emissions from the October synod will be offset thanks to “a carbon ‘credit,’ thus balancing the accumulated ‘debt,’” the Vatican statement said.

The statement said that the Vatican will be assisted in this endeavor through the financial support of the SOS Planet Foundation and the technical contribution of LifeGate.

The project chosen to compensate Vatican emissions will entail the distribution of “efficient cooking stoves and water purification technologies to households, communities and institutions” in
Nigeria and Kenya, the statement said.

Pope Francis has been a vocal supporter of the idea of a “carbon tax” and has urged first world nations to pay the “ecological debt” they
owe to poorer nations.

Francis warned of terrible consequences if humanity does not avert the threat of climate change.....The cost of carbon usage must be paid here and now and not deferred for future generations to cover, he contended....We cannot overlook “the ‘ecological debt’ that exists especially between the global north and south,” the pontiff said to participants in a meeting of the World Bank
Group and International Monetary Fund." Breitbart