Sunday, September 24, 2023

Papal Notes - Banners Raised as Pope Lectures France on Political Topics

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; 2 Timothy 2:4

"Pope Francis led tens of thousands of worshipers for a mass in
Marseille after earlier striding into a politically loaded debate in the
French Mediterranean city by urging European states not to treat migrants as invaders.

A French presidential official said that Macron and the pope had discussed migration in bilateral talks earlier.

Pope received huge cheers as he closed the service, asking the faithful in French to “pray for me, it’s a difficult job” — his favored parting line.

Francis had entered the stadium aboard his open-sided popemobile after being driven through the streets, as residents waved Vatican and French flags.

Clutches of black- or white-robed priests and nuns were scattered through the crowds during the service, while volunteers distributed communion wafers.

Fans of the much-loved Olympique de Marseille football team lifted up a giant banner of a smiling Francis in the crowd." 