Saturday, September 23, 2023

IN the NEWS - When Politicians Have No Filtering Process for NONSENSE

Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them; Deuteronomy 11:16

"The specter of little green men visited Mexico City as lawmakers
heard testimony from individuals suggesting the possibility that
extraterrestrials might exist. The researchers hailed from Mexico, the United States, Japan and Brazil.
The session, unprecedented in the Mexican Congress, took place two months after a similar one before the U.S. Congress in which a former U.S. Air Force intelligence officer claimed his country has probably been aware of “non-human” activity since the 1930s.
....alien corpses were unveiled and shown to Mexican politicians at
the country’s Congress. Despite raging interest in the potential
ETs, skeptics counter that there is a history of hoaxed alien bodies throughout the past few decades.
The two small alleged non-human bodies were reportedly retrieved from Cusco, Peru, and later presented in windowed boxes in Mexico City, Mexico, on Wednesday. 
Twitter/X added a community note to the post discrediting the bodies as “debunked.”
Journalist and self-proclaimed “
ufologist” Jaime Maussan spearheaded the event in Congress, where he testified under oath that the mummified bodies are not part of “our terrestrial evolution,” and that almost one third of their DNA is “unknown,” Mexican media reported.

At the Congressional hearing, Maussan reportedly showed both U.S. officials and members of the Mexican government multiple videos of “UFOs and unidentified anomalous phenomena” before unveiling the two alleged alien corpses.
These specimen are not part of our terrestrial evolution… These aren’t beings that were found after a UFO wreckage. They were found in diatom (algae) mines, and were later fossilized,” he said.
During the hearing, Maussan also claimed that the alleged non-human bodies were studied by scientists from the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM), and that those scientists were able to draw DNA samples and later determine that over 30 percent of the specimens’ DNA was “unknown.”
But Maussan’s assertions have not been proven, and his previous
claims regarding the discovery of alien life have been debunked.

In 2017, for example, Maussan claimed that five mummies found in Peru were “alien” discoveries, only to later be debunked when it was revealed that the mummies were actually the remains of human children.
Julieta Fierro, researcher at the Fierro added that the researchers' claims that her university endorsed their supposed discovery were false, ....“Maussan has done many things. He says he has talked to the Virgin of Guadalupe,” she said. “He told me extraterrestrials do not talk to me like they talk to him because I don’t believe in them.”"
