Tuesday, September 26, 2023

IN the NEWS - Peruvian Government spills the beans.....

I have seen the foolish taking root: Job 5:3

"Doctors in Mexico City have conducted several laboratory tests on the country's most famous alleged "alien" bodies as the controversy escalates.

Are we alone in the world? This is the question that journalist and self-proclaimed "ufologist" Jaime Maussan is trying to answer.

Last week, Maussan presented two mummified specimens to the Mexican Congress that he claims are the bodies of extraterrestrial beings.

The two small, chalky mummies, with elongated heads and only three fingers on each hand, stunned not only the parliamentarians but many people who watched on TV and online as the drama unfolded.

However, the Peruvian Attorney General's Office, together with the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, had launched an investigation years earlier, when the bodies were found.The investigation found that the figures were "recently manufactured".

"Creations made of animal and human bones joined together with synthetic glue. These in turn were covered with a mixture of plant fibres and synthetic glue to simulate a type of skin," the report added.

During the plenary session of Congress, Maussan stated under oath that they were non-human beings.

He said they were buried in a remote area of Peru and were around 1,000 years old, according to carbon dating tests allegedly carried out by researchers at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)." EUN