Friday, September 1, 2023

IN the NEWS - Canada Issues 2SLGBTQI+ "Travel Advisory" ?

 I have seen the foolish taking root... Job 5:3
Canada issues what is called  2SLGBTQI+ Travel Advisory for the U.S. this like a weather report?
Trudeau's regime is so obsessed with woke that they now WASTE TAX DOLLARS on this?
Based on the many news stories we've posted about what's going on up there under the Maple Leaf Flag--  how about the U.S. issue an anti-Christian Bias Warning for travelers heading north into Trudeau land? this all that matters to Justin's comrades in the Liberal-NDP Coalition?
"Canada has issued either a "LGBTQ2S+" or "2SLGBTQI+" travel
advisory for the
United States, depending on which news source you pull your information from and which acronym is popular this week. 
The country has "updated its international travel advisories to warn members of the LGBTQ+ community that they may face discrimination if they travel to some places in the United States,"... 
"Carefully consider whether you are comfortable visiting a destination where the laws and social customs affecting (LGBTQ+) people differ from those in Canada," the Canadian government warns. 
We don't get it. 
So in other words, be careful driving on a highway in Florida, because you can't pull over and give your minor child a sex change?"