Saturday, September 9, 2023

Hebrews 5:9 Commentaries

And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him..... Hebrews 5:9

"In this verse
three things are clearly stated:
1. That obedience to Christ is equally necessary to salvation with
believing on Him.

2. That He was made perfect as a high priest by offering Himself a sacrifice for sin, Hebrews 8:3.
3. That, by the merit of that sacrifice, He hath obtained pardon and eternal life for them who obey Him.

He tasted death for every man; but He is the author and cause of eternal salvation only to them who obey Him.

It is not merely believers,
but obedient believers,
that shall be finally saved.

.... the sinner must, through that grace which God withholds from no man, 
--turn from sin, 
--believe on Jesus as being a sufficient ransom and sacrifice for his soul, 
--receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, 
--be a worker together with Him, 
--walk in conformity to the Divine will through this Divine aid, 
--and continue faithful unto death, through him, out of whose fulness he may receive grace upon grace.

How many dry prayers, how few wetted with tears, do we offer up to
He was strengthened to support the immense weight of suffering laid upon Him.
There is no real deliverance from death but to be carried through it. He was raised and exalted, and to Him was given the power of saving all sinners to the uttermost, who come unto God through Him.

Christ has left us an example that we should learn humble obedience to the will of God, by all our afflictions.
We need affliction,
to teach us submission.
He is become the Author of eternal salvation to all that obey Him."

Matthew Henry/Adam Clarke