Thursday, September 21, 2023

Hartford City, IN Obituary Lesson: Did he know when he took that first swig? [1894]

To day if ye will hear His voice,
harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. 
For what is your life? It is even a vapor,
that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
Hebrews 3:15/James 4:14
Q: Did he know that night when he took that swig of intoxicating alcoholic beverage---that it would lead to choices that would result in him not living to see the sunrise the next day?

An Intruder Killed- Jacob Pursely
While Drunk, Invaded the Home of A Neighbor Hartford City, Ind.,
Sept. 15.—
Frank Bell, a farmer, southwest of town, was awakened by some one talking in his bedroom. 
--He found that it was Jacob Pursely, trying to influence his wife to promenade with him. 
--Bell jumped out of bed and, procuring a revolver, ordered Pursely out of the house. 
--Pursely grabbed the revolver and beat Bell over the head with it. 
--Mrs. Bell then ran out and Pursely followed and knocked her down. 
--Bell then got a shotgun, but Pursely chased him upstairs, and renewed his abuse of Mrs. Bell
--Pursely then paraded around the house endeavoring to get a shot at Bell through a window. 
--As Pursely came in line with Bell's shotgun the latter fired from an upper window, the entire charge entering Pursely's side. 
--Pursely ran a short distance, but finally pitched forward on his face, dying about an hour afterward. 
--Bell came to town and surrendered to the authorities. 
Both Bell and Mrs. Bell are badly bruised by the revolver in Pursely's bauds. 
Pursely was a powerful man and was drunk. 
He bore a bad reputation. 
Bell is 55 years old and of good standing in the community. The sympathy of the people is with him." [September 15, 1894 Northern Journal]
What does it mean to promenade with someone?
promenaded; promenading. 
1. : to take a stroll in public. 
2. : to perform a promenade in a dance.