Monday, September 4, 2023

From the "Really" File - (Gay Ice Cream?)

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: ...inventors of evil things,... Jeremiah 17:9/Romans 1:30

"Big Gay Ice Cream has fallen from the heights of its rainbow-
sprinkled glory days.

Big Gay Ice Cream
, a brand founded by gay couple Quint and Bryan Petroff, once had several locations across New York City and one in Philadelphia. Now, only one of its New York stores remains open.
Quint claims things went south because company partner Jon Chapski mismanaged its finances, according to a lawsuit filed in New York State Supreme Court.
The rent owed at just one of the four locations amounted to more than $418,000, the lawsuit says, and Quint alleges Chapski also failed to
From the "Really" File
pay taxes for the Philadelphia location. 
The complaint says Chapski obtained pandemic relief funding for the Small Business Association but didn’t use it for rent owed or other business expenses.
Quint, once the talk of the town, lost control of the company during the pandemic and now works in a Walgreens in his hometown in Maine, according to The Times."