Friday, September 29, 2023

Creation Moment 9/30/2023 - Latest on Population Bottleneck

"The Bible claims such a population bottleneck at the Flood of Noah, when only eight people survived to repopulate the earth. Secularists deny the Flood, and their new claim of a population bottleneck, based on genetic evidence, is far different. They believe it happened long ago among pre-human hominids. The new estimate by Hu et al. is significant, though, in changing opinion about the history of early humans.

The results suggest that our ancestors suffered a severe
population bottleneck that started around 930,000 years ago and lasted for almost 120,000 years. This is estimated to have reduced the number of breeding individuals to ∼1300, bringing our ancestors close to extinction.

Theistic evolutionists, such as those in the Darwinism-affirming group Biologos, have denied the Flood bottleneck, arguing that eight people could not provide enough genetic diversity to prevent inbreeding and lead to a healthy human population. For that matter, they also argue that a single pair, Adam and Eve, could not have populated the earth. This new admission has raised discussion about whether or not population bottlenecks as small as those recorded in Genesis could allow them to “be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth” as God commanded (Genesis 9:1-7).

Genomic inference of a severe human bottleneck during the Early to Middle Pleistocene transition (Hu et al., Science, 31 Aug 2023). This is the paper raising the discussion. A reading shows many assumptions going into the calculations of dates and population sizes, which cannot be known without a time machine.

The ancient severe bottleneck was not detected in previous SFS-based analyses. This failure might be due to the use of predefined demographic models. In this study, we found that the likelihood must be accurately calculated to detect the severe bottleneck. The use of other methods such as Stairway Plot—which may not have sufficient resolution power for estimation of ancient population size history—is another possible reason for the failure.

Estimates like this depend on models with inputs that cannot be accurately known. The authors admit, “ancient population size history of the genus Homo during the Pleistocene is still poorly known, although it is essential for understanding the origin of the human lineage.”

Richard Buggs of Queen Mary University, an “evolutionary biologist and molecular ecologist,” asks if science is moving closer to Adam and Eve. His blog post the day after the Science paper describes how the findings are making the Genesis account more plausible."