Thursday, September 28, 2023

Creation Moment 9/29/2023 - Darwinist Male Apes

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh... Psalm 2:4

"Evolutionary biologists do not only believe humans evolved from
apes. Some of them, like evolutionary biologist and popular podcaster
Bret Weinstein, actually call themselves apes. 
If that is how they identify. 
Now, there is a way for evolutionists
 to embrace their ape identity.
A study at McGill University this week announced that “How having a purpose in life can bolster men’s mental health.” 
What greater purpose is there for Darwinist male apes than to act according to the evolutionary forces that produced their bodies and material brains, endowing them with traits and behaviors suited to jungle life?
Evolutionists, here is your chance! 
Escape the artificial world of academia, with its stodgy old buildings designed largely by religious people and reconnect with your hominid past. 
--Book a flight to Tanzania or Uganda. 
--After you arrive, walk out into your natural habitat, take off your clothes, and join your family. 
--Climb trees. 
--Walk on all fours. 
--Learn to hoot and grunt like the chimps. 
--You will be wonderfully interconnected with the ecosystem in which you evolved. The feeling of a rush of presence will feel amazing! You’ll love it. Gone will be the publish-or-perish pressure on you, the high cost of living.
No fair, though, having shipments of food or medicine out to your new habitat. That would be very unnatural. Your evolutionary fitness depends on you making it on your own. You’ll learn to dig roots and eat berries with the best of your kin. Soon you will no longer be naked and afraid." CEH