Saturday, September 23, 2023

Creation Moment 9/24.2023 - Patrick Matthew & Charles Darwin: Idle Hands....

By much slothfulness the building decayeth; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through. Ecclesiastes 10:18

Two things of note in the paragraph below from CMI:
1) Darwinism was begun with men with idle hands due to some wealth... bored their minds obviously wondered as they set about down a path of nonsense to tantalize their own imaginations...
2) One was more intellectually honest and still clung to the obvious signs of DESIGN while the other not so much.

"In the early 19th century, Matthew became a landowner and
agriculturalist, having
inherited the Gourdiehill estate in Scotland from his uncle, Admiral Duncan. His work as the estate manager included nurturing fruit trees and growing crops of grain. 
Like Darwin, his wealth allowed him the time to develop scientific theories and write books
He was probably an old-earth creationist and believed that multiple catastrophes had forced changes in plant and animal life over ‘millions of ages’. 
Unlike Darwin, Matthew seems to have had sympathy for intelligent design in guiding change over the various epochs." CMI