Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Woman at the Well SERIES: Contrasted with Nicodemus

"There are too many similarities and differences that seem very
Last week was Nicodemus; this week is the Woman at the Well. 
(The interlude with John the Baptist in John 3 connects these two stories. When you read it, think of both Nicodemus and the Woman at the Well.)
  • Neither understand “the gift of God” (John 4:10)
  • Both stories feature water and the Spirit[1] (the John the Baptizer interlude features water and an explanation of the Spirit)
  • They are confused about terms (birth/water/bread)
  • Both initially see Jesus as a prophet (believe about rather than believe in)
  • Male vs. female
  • Jewish vs. Samaritan
  • Signs and wonders vs. no signs and wonders
  • Nicodemus leaves confused; she leaves converted
  • He leaves covertly; she leaves loudly and brings people back."