Thursday, August 10, 2023

The Gospel Then vs. Now

Some remove the landmarks; 
they violently take away flocks, 
and feed thereof.
Job 24:2

"Since the Bible alone is the true standard of faith and morals, it is very evident that when any power sets itself above the Bible, corruption must follow. 
The history of the Roman Catholic Church shows that this is absolutely true. 
--The power that sets itself above God necessarily sets itself against God; 
--but as God is the embodiment of all goodness, that which is opposed to Him must be the embodiment of all wickedness. 
Therefore, according to the prophetic declaration concerning the assumptions of the Papacy, we should expect to see in it the very depths of iniquity. 
A very few quotations will be given concerning the apostasy which resulted in the full development of "the man of sin." Dr. Wylie, in his "History of Protestantism," says:-
"The moment inspired men cease to address us, and that their
disciples and scholars take their place-men of apostolic spirit and doctrine, no doubt, but without the direct knowledge of their predecessors-we become sensible of a change; an eclipse has passed upon the exceeding glory of the gospel. 
As we pass from Paul to Clement, and from Clement to the Fathers that succeeded him, we find the gospel becoming less of grace and more of merit. 
--Seen through the fogs of the patristic age, the gospel scarcely looks the same which had burst upon the world without a cloud but a few centuries before."-Book I, chap. 2, paragraph 11."
E.J. Waggoner