Tuesday, August 15, 2023

SDA Issues- Wasting the Widows Mites in the SCC

And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites.
Luke 21:2
Q: How many of our Widow's Mites are they WASTING on a movie theater?
Q: They think this is the Church's Mission?
"In a bid to counter what it calls the “superficial filth machine” that
is Hollywood, the
Southern California Conference (SCC) has opened the first angel-friendly” movie theater in the denomination.
We have re-purposed the plot where Hollywood Seventh-day Adventist Church used to sit to build a movie theater that we know in our hearts angels are 100% OK with,” said SCC President Pastor Glen Dale.
Creative director Max Stoder says that the theater will feature uplifting standards such as The Sound of Music and VeggieTales, as well as what he calls “a dynamic mix of stimulating and doctrinally appropriate PowerPoints.” AT