Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Debunking 2520 "Prophecy" SERIES: Time Prophecies (not in Lev.26)

 .....the stock is a doctrine of vanities. Jeremiah 10:8

"Leviticus 26 contains conditional statements, promising specific
blessings based on faithfulness to God and obedience to His commandments (
vv. 1-13) and specific curses as a result of disobedience (vv. 14-39), as well as the possibility of forgiveness and restoration (vv. 40-46). 
Israel had already suffered many of the curses mentioned in Leviticus 26 long before Manasseh was temporarily taken captive by Babylon. 
--By contrast, the time prophecies of Daniel and Revelation are unconditional, referring to the distant future by use of the day for a year principle, and always give a specific starting point. 
--Leviticus 26 gives no indication of beginning and ending points or even that a time period is being mentioned."