Sunday, August 6, 2023

Creation Moment 8/7/2023 - Here's the 2 Part Answer for Those CONFUSED about Consciousness

"Q:Why is my awareness here, while yours is over there? 
Q: Why is the universe split in two for each of us, into a subject and an infinity of objects? 
Q: How is each of us our own center of experience, receiving information about the rest of the world out there? 
Q: Why are some things conscious and others apparently not?
These questions are all aspects of the ancient “mind-body problem,”
which asks, essentially: What is the relationship between mind and matter? It’s resisted a generally satisfying conclusion for thousands of years. Now it’s generally known as the “hard problem” of consciousness, after philosopher David Chalmers coined this term.
Over the last decade, my colleague, University of California, Santa Barbara psychology professor Jonathan Schooler and I have developed what we call a “resonance theory of consciousness.” We suggest that resonance – another word for synchronized vibrations – is at the heart of not only human consciousness but also animal consciousness and of physical reality more generally. It sounds like something the hippies might have dreamed up – it’s all vibrations.
All things in our universe are constantly in motion, vibrating. Even objects that appear to be stationary are in fact vibrating, oscillating, resonating, at various frequencies. Resonance is a type of motion, characterized by oscillation between two states. And ultimately all matter is just vibrations of various underlying fields. As such, at every scale, all of nature vibrates. 
Large-scale neuron firing occurs in human brains at measurable frequencies, with mammalian consciousness thought to be commonly associated with various kinds of neuronal sync. 
.... gamma, beta and theta waves. These labels refer to the speed of
electrical oscillations in the brain
Gamma waves are associated with large-scale coordinated activities like perception, meditation or focused consciousness; beta with maximum brain activity or arousal; and theta with relaxation or daydreaming. These three wave types work together to produce, or at least facilitate, various types of human consciousness.
The central thesis of our approach is this: the particular linkages that allow for large-scale consciousness – like those humans and other mammals enjoy – result from a shared resonance among many smaller constituents. The speed of the resonant waves that are present is the limiting factor that determines the size of each conscious entity in each moment." TheConversation

Here's the 2 part Answer for those struggling with Consciousness, regardless of how it works:
1) So God created man in His own image... 
Genesis 1:27
2) ....and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. 
Genesis 2:7