Thursday, August 3, 2023

Creation Moment 8/4/2023 - Darwinian Inspired Eugenics is Back via AI (artificial intelligence)

"A new technology called EMA that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to rule out which [embryos] are unsuitable for a successful pregnancy.
 In other words, this technology—which is coming to the US soon—looks at embryos and scores and sorts them based on whether or not they are likely to have any genetic abnormalities that may result in health problems or developmental conditions, whether they are boys or girls, or whether they look likely to continue developing once they’ve been implanted. It’s nothing short of evil eugenics. 
The popularity of eugenics (the idea of people being supposedly “well-born”) among the elites and “thinkers” of the twentieth century resulted in the forced sterilization of thousands of Americans who were considered “unfit” to pass along their genes. 
It also heavily contributed to atrocities in Europe, such as the Nazi Holocaust. For many who know about this dark chapter in US history, eugenics (promoted by Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood) is considered to have been an awful practice we left behind in the twentieth century. But it’s alive and well—and this sorting of tiny humans into “fit” and “unfit,” “wanted” and “unwanted” is one of the new faces of eugenics. 
We live in . . . a culture of death that views the wishes of adults as more important than the lives and well-being of children.” 
 It’s the Biblical worldview and the truth that we are made in the very image of God (So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Genesis 1:27) that gives each person—regardless of level of ability or development, gender, age, health, or any other factor—value and dignity." AIG