Sunday, August 27, 2023

Creation Moment 8/28/2023 - Evolution in a nutshell

Proverbs 1:7The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge.
Proverbs 9:10The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.
"Evolution is a deduction from a materialistic worldview, as Lewontin, Dickerson and Todd admit. 
Therefore I won’t claim it is a dying theory because it keeps getting reinvented, because at all costs the paradigm must not be
touched (
atheism depends on it). 
Rather, as Lakatos would put it, all they do is change auxiliary theories
However, these were all the old ‘proofs’ that have now been debunked, such as Piltdown Man, Archaeoraptor, peppered moths, Haeckel’s embryo diagrams and the alleged Ostrea–Gryphaea transition...... the decay of the earth’s magnetic field and rapid reversals, dinosaur blood vessels and cells and detectable 14C in diamonds seem to provide irrefutable scientific proof of a young earth." CMI