Monday, August 21, 2023

Creation Moment 8/22/2023 - Filling in the blanks....

"God designed your brain to fill in missing details on the fly . . . with some interesting consequences.

By “filling in” information ahead of time, based on previous experiences and what we expect, our brains don’t have to constantly process every changing detail in our surroundings. This allows us to respond to important changes speedily and accurately.
Your brain not only creates and replaces expected models of the world, it also fills in missing information. When we hear sounds that seem to resemble speech, our brain fills in expected details instead of taking the time to process the sound fully. So you can hear your dog or your doorbell “say” hello!
The ease with which our brains can be tricked is a good reminder of our limitations. We do not have conscious control over everything our senses tell us. Our brain deals with much of that information subconsciously and perceives what it thinks probably happened.
God made us in his image, so we know we can know some things for certain. Yet we also see many reasons to doubt ourselves. 
The only way out of this conundrum is to turn to God our Maker. “Meditate on [his Word] day and night. . . For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (Joshua 1:8). He is our starting point for understanding reality, explained clearly in his Word." AIG