Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Creation Moment 8/2/2023 - How to Read Darwinian Writing

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.
1 Corinthians 3:19
Below are 2 paragraph's from an evolutionary micro-biologist. 
Now pay close attention to what he is actually saying....

"The origins of life are still obscure, but we assume it only happened once because all living cells have DNA genomes and use them in
similar ways to encode the molecules of protein and RNA that carry out the detailed business of survival, growth and reproduction. 
That is, all living cells – whether bacterial, archaean or eukaryotic – have a similar genetic structure, which suggests a shared inheritance.  
The fact that TEs respond to stress indicates that they are regulated biological entities that play a sensory-guided role in survival and reproduction. The notion of controlled biological processes at the core of organic evolution is plainly incompatible with a purely physicalist explanation, such as random mutations plus natural selection."
1- "we assume"..... uhm...that's not "science".
2- A "similar genetic structure" could just as easily be from DESIGN (hence a DESIGNER/GOD) as from "shared inheritance"
as a plausible explanation. A DESIGNER of the DNA Codes and Coding Systems that uses the same toolkit and plans. Just like human engineers do.
3- As for a "notion of controlled biological processes " is "incompatible" with Darwinism is because it indicates a well written coding system that makes no sense arising on it's own in nature.  
*That's why they cling to the nonsense of random mutations to build evolutionary models thinking you're dumb enough to believe that randomly throwing together these pieces until they fit might work over eons of time---hence the Darwinian need for long age chronology....and lots of LUCK.