Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Christ's Trophy

He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had cast seven devils.
Mark 16:9
"Mary of Magdala was the victim of a fearful evil. 
She was possessed by not one devil only, but seven. 
These dreadful inmates caused much pain and pollution to the poor frame in which they had found a lodging. 
Hers was a hopeless, horrible case. She could not help herself. 
But Jesus passed that way.... He uttered the word of power, and Mary
of Magdala
became a trophy of the healing power of Jesus.
All the seven demons left her, left her never to return, forcibly ejected by the Lord of all. 
Straightway she became a constant follower of Jesus, catching His every word. 
When Jesus was lifted up in crucifixion, Mary remained the sharer of His shame: we find her first beholding from afar, and then drawing near to the foot of the cross.
She was the faithful and watchful believer, last at the sepulchre where Jesus slept, first at the grave whence He arose.
Her holy fidelity made her a favored beholder of her beloved Rabboni, who deigned to call her by her name, and to make her His messenger of good news to the trembling disciples and Peter."
Charles Spurgeon