Monday, July 24, 2023

"Kings" & "Merchants"... Close to the End?...

.....and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
Revelation 18:3
Picture the Scene.....
The Government uses an ESG Score to decide whether you can buy
or sell (or how much) with your
programmable Digital Currency as they watch your every move via AI (Artificial Intelligence).
NOW, picture this in the hand of the PROPONENTS OF THE MARK OF THE BEAST doing the Beast's bidding in setting up a counterfeit Sabbath as they monitor you.
Glaring Signs Of The Times:
I. Pride Movement where Freedom of Religion and Speech are Sacrificed on it's Altar--which has been joined by many "Christians"
II. Climate Change Cult and Laudato Si' Allied for a day to set aside to Reduce our "Carbon Footprint"
III. Programmable Digital Currency - the ability to control Buying & Selling
IV. ESG designed by Central Banks & Governments to Control your Views by bullying you via your Finances
V. AI (Artificial Intelligence) to monitor your every past, present and future movements, views and beliefs
VI. UFO Nonsense.....fostered by elements of the government. Think of something on the scale of FATIMA happening again in the internet age. Scary times. Remember "the very elect" (Matthew 24:24) could be deceived.