Monday, July 3, 2023

IN the NEWS - Green Religion Guru Ponders BLOCKING THE SUN

Q: What if these radicals in power actually mess with the sun? Could it backfire contributing to Luke 21:26? [Remember, these are the same people in power who bumbled big time the Afghan withdrawl, gave you record inflation, gas prices and energy costs of your home and have lost your petro-dollar status with OPEC---now he wants to play "God" with God's sun]
Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth...
Luke 21:26
"The White House has expressed openness to a bold proposal aimed
at blocking sunlight from reaching the Earth’s surface in an effort to ‘combat global warming.’.....
the White House presented the concept of solar radiation modification (SRM) as a means to rapidly cool the planet by limiting sunlight. 
The report outlined various methods for achieving SRM, but cautioned that each approach carried the risk of severe consequences if mismanaged. 
One strategy suggested increasing aerosol concentrations in the
stratosphere to reflect solar radiation away from the Earth. 
Alternatives included augmenting cloud coverage over oceans or reducing cirrus cloud formations that reflect solar radiation back to the planet.
......undertaking such an immense endeavor could lead to significant disruptions in weather patterns, food supplies, biodiversity, geopolitics, and human health. 
Furthermore, the report warned of the potential for abrupt warming if the decision to implement SRM was reversed and the sun’s rays rapidly heated the Earth again." TP