Sunday, July 30, 2023

Flood Evidence Everywhere (4 Basics)

And the waters prevailed so mightily on the earth that all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered. 
Genesis 7:19 ESV
 "The evidence for the flood is everywhere:
1- Consider the fact that it takes special conditions to make a
, and the world is covered with billions of them in mass graves. Creatures must be buried rapidly before they rot or get eaten by scavengers. And, in fact, vast numbers of animals were buried and fossilized so quickly that some could not even finish swallowing their meal or giving birth.
2- Another obvious evidence that makes sense in a global flood is
fossils of tree trunks standing upright or upside down through more than one layer. This doesn’t make sense with the slow accumulation of layers over millions of years, but instead it is a sign that these polystrate fossils were buried rapidly.
3- Another obvious example, which tourists can visit around the
world, is rock layers that were deposited around the globe at the same time. This is consistent with the Genesis account of a worldwide, versus a regional, catastrophe. For example, the Tapeats Sandstone, which sits on the basement rocks of Grand Canyon (Arizona), also appears far away in Wisconsin and across the ocean in Israel and Libya (under different names). How could a local flood deposit the same rock layer across multiple continents?
4- You can go to many places on the planet and see row upon row of
consecutively deposited rock layers that were soft when deposited and then bent, sometimes drastically. The whole series shows no signs of fracturing. Obviously, hard rocks do not bend without breaking. A better explanation is that the flood laid these layers rapidly, and they were bent before they could dry out and harden."