Saturday, July 8, 2023

Creation Moment 7/9/2023 - Lessons of the Alphabet of God & Creation

"The knowledge of the alphabet is one of the most common things in
the world. It lies at the very foundation of all learning. No one ridicules the child saying that he knows the letters of the
alphabet, and for declaring most positively, in spite of all contradiction, that "A" is "A". 
And yet he knows that only by faith. He has never investigated the subject for himself; he has accepted the statement of his teacher. The teacher himself had to learn the alphabet in the same way - by faith. It was not demonstrated to him that "A" is "A." It could not have been. If he had refused to believe the fact till it was demonstrated to him, he never would have learned to read. He had to accept the fact by faith, and then it would prove itself true under every circumstance. 
There is nothing of which people are more absolutely sure than they are of the letters of the alphabet, and there is nothing for which they are more absolutely dependent on faith.
Now, just as the child learns the alphabet, so we learn the truths of
God. Whoever receives the kingdom of heaven must receive it as a little child. By faith we learn to know Jesus
Christ, who is the Alpha and the Omega, - the entire alphabet of God
He who believes the simple statement of the Bible, concerning creation, may know for a certainty that God did create the heaven and the earth by the power of His Word. 
The fact that some unbeliever doubts this, and thinks it is foolish, does not shake his knowledge, nor prove that he does not know it, any more than our knowledge of the alphabet is shaken or disproved by some other person's ignorance of it.
"By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth (Ps. 33:6)." 
E..J. Waggoner