Friday, July 21, 2023

Creation Moment 7/22/2023 - Using Evolutionary Long Age Chronology Jargon to Show Life Could Not Have Formed On It's Own

Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? 
declare, if thou hast understanding.
Job 38:4
"Professor Bada pointed out,.... “Currently, considerable controversy exists about the source of the organic compounds necessary for the origin of life on Earth.” 
Only a limited variety of organic molecules would have formed and
in at best only trace quantities given the insignificant amount of reducing gases thought to have been present in the early earth. 
---The alleged frequent impacts of objects 10–100 km in diameter on the early earth would have pyrolyzed all organics present and prevented the origin of primitive organisms. 
---Furthermore, the annual source of amino acids (AAs) into the oceans from micrometeorite and cosmic dust which survived
pyrolysis during atmospheric passage would have been < 3 x 10–15 g/l per year. 
---The maximum accumulation time would have been about 10 million years, since the entire oceans would have circulated through the hydrothermal vents during this time period, completely destroying AAs. 
---Bada concluded that the maximum concentration of AAs in ancient oceans would have been only about 10–8 g/l, which corresponds to a concentration of ~ 10–10 M, using an AA average molecular weight of about 110 daltons."