Sunday, July 16, 2023

Creation Moment 7/17/2023 - The "Evolutionary Eyeblink" vs. From the Beginning

And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
Genesis 4:2
"We’ve all heard the tale—for hundreds of thousands of years,
humans lived in small, simple groups, hunting and gathering, moving with the seasons and herds of prey. Then 10,000 (or so) years ago, this changed when humans (finally!) thought of farming and building lasting structures—civilization had begun! Now, of course, in a biblical worldview, we know this view of human history is nothing but a fairy tale—but now (not surprisingly, as evolutionists change their stories constantly), some evolutionists also say it needs an overhaul! 
In an article from New Scientist titled “The Civilisation Myth: How new discoveries are rewriting human history,” the author shares:
In an evolutionary eyeblink, our species has gone from hunting and gathering to living in complex societies. We need to rethink the story of this monumental transition…
Their most prevalent narrative describes a sort of trap: once people started farming, there was no way back from a cascade of increasing social complexity that led inexorably to hierarchy, inequality and environmental destruction. This bleak view of civilisation’s rise has long held sway. However, the more societies we look at, the more it falls to pieces. Confronted with inconvenient evidence, we are being forced to retell our own origin story. In doing so, we are also rethinking what a society can be.

Indeed, the author, science writer Michael Marshall, goes on to state this regarding the popular narrative of early human history:

Now, growing evidence suggests it is a fiction....In recent decades, studies of modern hunter-gatherer groups have upended our ideas about their social structures, too. “Typically, people think of hunter-gatherers as living in small, nomadic bands that are fairly egalitarian and cooperative,” says Adrian Jaeggi at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. “But actually, there are quite a few examples of what some call ‘complex hunter-gatherers’. Those are people who can be fairly sedentary and have a high degree of political stratification. There can be a hereditary ruling class, for example, where you have chieftainship that is inherited. They have slavery and warfare.
*In other words, people are complex, and the simplistic view of the past that evolutionists have touted for decades doesn’t match the archaeological record or studies of modern hunter-gatherer peoples.
*Humans were created to tend and care for the earth right from the
very beginning
(Genesis 1:28). Within just one generation, humans had flocks and herds (Genesis 4:4), practiced farming (Genesis 4:3), and even built cities (Genesis 4:17). And a few generations later, they had instruments (Genesis 4:21) and used bronze and iron (Genesis 4:22). Humans were created intelligent from the very beginning." AIG