Saturday, July 22, 2023

Could AI (Artificial Intelligence) Play a Role in the End Times?

Q:  How might AI impact the End Time Events?
A: By being used by people who ask questions of their Chatbot on
End Times Events and they believe what it says over Scriptures clear teaching such as the issue of the Mark of the Beast.
A: AI could, for example, tell people that Sunday is the Sabbath.
A: By Techno-Spiritualism by believing their talking to the dead.
A: By causing problems in the world contributing to the time of trouble. 
And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the
children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
Daniel 12:1 
***Remember, when these people tell you they will keep AI neutral on topics---THEY ARE LYING.
**These people in big tech are/have been censoring anything they
don't like as well as
politicians across Europe, Canada and the current U.S. administration have been OPENLY Censoring or publicly in favor of Censorship (COVID, LGBT issues, so-called Climate Change, 2020 U.S. Election, Great Reset, Songs on the Internet that they deem not Woke/PC, Hunter Biden Laptop in 2020, criticism of government in Europe, etc.) just to name the bigger examples.

Q: So what evidence do any of you have that they won't use/program
AI as propaganda for their worldview? These are the same people that have been pushing the use of ESG as a back door for their agenda. And now they want you to believe they will keep a potential influential tool as powerful as AI neutral?.....uhmmm....Remember, these elites have been strobg allies of the
Papal Global Agenda.....
**Here---let a Secular Source Sum It Up, and remember, the Beast Power will likely be involved since it already has it's claws in the Global Elites who push AI----"We are about to witness the birth of a new kind of religion. In the next few years, or perhaps even months, we will see the emergence of sects devoted to the worship of
artificial intelligence (AI)
.  As these chatbots come to be used by billions of people, it is inevitable that some of these users will see the AIs as higher beings. We must prepare for the implications.
Generative AI that can create or produce new content possesses several characteristics that are often associated with divine beings, like deities or prophets:
It displays a level of intelligence that goes beyond that of most humans. Indeed, its knowledge appears limitless.....AI will produce output that can be taken for religious doctrine. It will provide answers to metaphysical and theological questions, and engage in the construction of complex worldviews. On top of this, generative
...AI may ask to be worshipped or may actively solicit followers. We have already seen such cases, like when the chatbot used by the search engine Bing tried to convince a user to fall in love with it. We should try to imagine what an unsettling and powerful experience it will be to have a conversation with something that appears to possess a superhuman intelligence and is actively and aggressively asking for your allegiance.....The chatbots may ask their followers to do dangerous or destructive things, or followers may interpret their statements as calls to do such things.