Friday, June 16, 2023

University of Saints

"To the godly heart there is a brighter light on Calvary than anywhere else beneath the sun. He who often resorts to Golgotha,--- It is the University of Saints.
*He who would know sin—its heinousness, its penalty—must see
the Son of God making expiation for it by His death on the accursed tree. 
He who would know how he may have his sin forgiven, must resort to the cross. 
*And he who, finding pardon there, would seek to be useful to his fellow men and bring them into the same condition, must keep himself near that cross.....Listening to the voice of our Lord in this plaintive cry of His, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” (Luke 23:34).
What love is this! 
*One would suppose that the pain which He then felt might have distracted His mind from others, and his prayer might have been for Himself, that patience might be given, that strength might be sustained; but no, oblivious of Himself, 
His only care is still for those He seeks—the sinful sons of men."
Charles Spurgeon