Sunday, June 4, 2023

The "Really" File - (Naval "Pride" & "Milk")

When the host goeth forth against thine enemies, 
then keep thee from every wicked thing.
Deuteronomy 23:9

"The United States Navy’s official Twitter account temporarily
changed its cover photo to a rainbow-colored graphic Thursday to kick off the beginning of
Pride Month, according to screenshots posted on Twitter.
The graphic featured ships and aircraft with rainbow colors streaming from them, along with the word “Pride ” in different colors.
From the "Really" File
The account later changed the cover photo to a view of a ship deck from a control tower. 
The Navy on Friday afternoon also tweeted a statement from Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro recognizing Pride Month and celebrating Harvey Milk, the first openly-gay candidate to be elected to public office in California.
I am proud to know that HARVEY MILK joins the ranks of present and future USNSs SOJOURNER TRUTH, EARL WARREN, ROBERT F. KENNDY, LUCY STONE, and JOHN LEWS as beacons in every port of call for the diversity, equity, and inclusion that we value as a Department and Nation,” Del Toro said." Breitbart