Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The "Really" File - (Midnight for the Children)

This is what they are TARGETING KIDS with....
....inventors of evil things....
Romans 1:30
"DC Comics is pushing gay pride on children with a new installment in “Midnighter and Apollo,” the same-sex superhero couple who fight crime by day and get it on in the sack at night.
The new story is part of DC pride2023, the publisher’s latest gay superhero anthology that features numerous gay and transgender storylines, including a lesbian relationship between Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn.
DC Comics tweeted a quote from the new “Midnighter and Apollo
From the "Really" File

installment, which is partially pitched toward children: “Let the whole world know — the bigots, the cowards, and the kids who need it … Show them that our love is real. Show them that it’s powerful.”
The new installment features a scene depicting a little girl waving rainbow-themed tassels while at a pride parade. 
DC pride2023 was released in May and sold out. 
A reprint will go on sale July 11, DC Comics said." Breitbart