Tuesday, June 27, 2023

IN the NEWS - That Old Fashioned Paganism

They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator... Romans 1:25 NIV
"Sun worship is still practiced today, not only in traditional Sunday-keeping churches but also in neo pagan rituals
Sunday was not merely one of the many pagan customs in the times of ancient Israel; it was an antichristian practice for the early church. 
In a very special sense, Sunday was a mark or symbol of apostasy.
The summer solstice is an astronomical event that occurs each year and marks the longest day of the year. It refers to the sun’s position in the sky as it reaches its highest point. 
The sun was revered by ancient pagans as the supreme deity and the source of all life. Festivals, food, dance, prayers, music, and rituals were used to honor the sun. This is the origin of Sunday worship
The Roman solar deity Sol Invictus, also known as the “Unconquered Sun,” was revered in the Roman Empire. The cult of Sol Invictus emerged as part of the religious life of the Roman Catholic Church when the sanctity of Saturday was transferred to Sunday as the new day of worship.
On June 20, 2023, the Associated Press reported that 8,000 people
had gathered to worship the
sun on this year’s summer solstice. We read the following from the report: “All hail the rising sun. Around 8,000 revelers gathered around a prehistoric stone circle on a plain in southern England to express their devotion to the sun, or to have some communal fun. Druids, pagans, hippies, local residents and tourists, many clad in an array of colorful costumes and even antlers, stayed and celebrated at Stonehenge for the night and greeted sunrise on Wednesday, which is the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere.” 