Tuesday, June 13, 2023

IN the NEWS - Sodoms Swamp: At Least 1,997 children

 But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13
"The Attorney General’s Report on Catholic Clergy Child Sex Abuse in Illinois – released this morning during a press conference in Chicago – represents the state of Illinois’ first comprehensive.....The
report concludes a multi-year investigation into child sex abuse by members of the clergy in all six Catholic dioceses in Illinois. Attorney General Raoul’s report reveals names and detailed information of 451 Catholic clerics and religious brothers who abused at least
1,997 children across all of the dioceses in Illinois....reviewed more than 100,000 pages of documents held by the dioceses and received more than 600 confidential contacts from survivors through emails, letters, interviews and phone calls....The survivor narratives demonstrate a troubling pattern of the church failing to support survivors, ignoring or covering up reports
of abuse, and survivors being revictimized by the church when they came forward to report being abused. Repeatedly, church officials prioritized the reputation of the institution over protecting children....report contains detailed descriptions of child sex abuse, assault and trauma."
Office of the Illinois Attorney General