Sunday, June 25, 2023

Gleanings from Amaziah's Attitude

Amaziah asked the man of God, 
But what about the hundred talents I paid for these Israelite troops?
The man of God replied, “The Lord can give you much more than that.”
2 Chronicles 25:9 NIV

"If you have made a mistake, bear the loss of it; but do not act contrary to the will of the Lord. 

The Lord can give you much more than you are likely to lose; and if
He does not, will you begin bargaining and chaffering with God. 
The king of Judah had hired an army from idolatrous Israel, and he was commanded to send home the fighting men because the Lord was not with them. 
*He was willing to send away the host, only he grudged paying the hundred talents for nothing. 
---Oh, for shame! If the Lord will give the victory without the hirelings, surely it was a good bargain to pay their wages and to be rid of them."
Charles Spurgeon