Friday, June 16, 2023

Extrapolation from Observation of the 7th Trumpet

"With these remarks, we ask the reader to mark well the fact that the ark as seen in heaven by John, down under the sounding of the seventh trumpet, is still called "the ark of His testament." (Rev. 11:18). 
Q: What does this prove?
A: It proves that that ark in heaven contains the law. 
Q: What law?
A: The same law that gave it that name in the days of Moses; namely, the tables of the testimony, the ten commandments. 
---This forever precludes the idea of any change in the law. 
Q: Talk about changing or abolishing the law? 
A: Not until we can change or abolish those tables in heaven. 
O, what a vain and futile work are they engaged in, who are laboring to show that the law of God as a whole, or even the fourth commandment alone, has been in the least respect altered, much less done away! How vain to try to show that that law has been changed even in the slightest jot or tittle!"  
Uriah Smith