Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Creation Moment 6/28/2023 - The Dawkins Delusion

.....but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Romans 1:21
Maybe Dawkins should change the name of his book "The God Delusion" to "The Dawkins Delusion".
"Dawkins believes that Darwinism explains the whole shebang:
Think about it. On one planet, and possibly only one planet in the entire universe, molecules that would normally make
nothing more complicated than a chunk of rock, gather themselves together into chunks of rock-sized matter of such staggering complexity that they are capable of running, jumping, swimming, flying, seeing, hearing, capturing and eating other such animated chunks of complexity; capable in some cases of thinking and feeling, and falling in love with yet other chunks of complex matter. We now understand essentially how the trick is done, but only since 1859
.’ (
p. 366–367).
And this is the man who is trying to convince his readership that believers in God are deluded!"