Sunday, June 18, 2023

Creation Moment 6/19/2023 - Mysteries of Creator's Mathematical Info Storage bins?

For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible...
Colossians 1:16
"Fractons, due to their impeccable immobility, are potential
candidates for
data storage. However, no actual material has been identified so far that exhibits fractons. A group of researchers has recently examined these quasiparticles more closely, revealing a surprising behavior. 
Quasiparticles, such as excitations in solids, can be mathematically represented; an example being phonons which are an excellent depiction of lattice vibrations that amplify with rising temperature.
Mathematically, quasiparticles that have yet to be observed in any material can also be expressed. These “theoreticalquasiparticles may possess unique properties, making them worthy of further scrutiny. Take fractons, for example.
Fractons are fractions of spin excitations and are not allowed to
possess kinetic energy. As a consequence, they are completely stationary and immobile. This makes
fractons new candidates for perfectly secure information storage. Especially since they can be moved under special conditions, namely piggybacking on another quasiparticle.
Fractons have emerged from a mathematical extension of quantum electrodynamics, in which electric fields are treated not as vectors but as tensors – completely detached from real materials,” explains Prof. Dr. Johannes Reuther.
In order to be able to observe fractons experimentally in the future, it is necessary to find model systems that are as simple as possible: Therefore, octahedral crystal structures with antiferromagnetically interacting corner atoms were modeled first.
This revealed special patterns with characteristic pinch points in the spin correlations, which in principle can also be detected experimentally in a real material with neutron experiments.

This is why Reuther has now included quantum fluctuations in the calculation of this octahedral solid-state system for the first time.
These are very complex numerical calculations, that in principle are able to map fractons. “
In the next step, the theoretical physicists want to develop a model in which quantum fluctuations can be regulated up or down.
No material is yet known to exhibit fractons. But if the next model gives more precise indications of what the crystal structure and magnetic interactions should be like, then experimental physicists could start designing and measuring such materials." SciTechDaily