Saturday, June 10, 2023

Creation Moment 6/11/2023 - Newly discoverd Function of 19S

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Psalm 139:14 NLT

It dawned on me, while reading this article in SciTech Daily, just how sneaky Darwinians are.....
In the very opening line from the article a light went on....they use the built in mechanisms of the Creator to twist into their deceptive use, such as "adaptation and variety in nature." (all that really is--is just preprogrammed built in data in your genes for different shapes, sizes and colors of the same "kind" and its uses).
"Darwin’s evolutionary theory underscored the significance of adaptation and variety in nature."
Now of course the ability to adapt to things around you (but NEVER changes into what it's not---which is what Darwinism requires) has been a well known built in function for decades. But the Darwinian uses it, manipulates it, to conjure an image in your head of something that it's not.
That observation of mine was reinforced  by reading the article further.....
"The role of the regulatory (19S) proteasome particle has always been exclusively linked to its functioning in the proteasome complex, where it collaborates with the catalytic (20S) particle to recognize and remove unwanted or damaged proteins- a mechanism that is crucial for normal brain development and function.
.....the research team noticed an abundance of free 19S particles in synapses, floating around without their 20S partners:“What we realized was that 19S is not only a partner of 20S. It also works alone as an independent regulator for many key synaptic proteins. This revealed a whole new dimension to our understanding of protein function at synapses,” explains Chao Sun.
 “Usually, if the cell makes excess copies of one protein component, it needs to get rid of these excess copies. Because cells do not like to have extra proteins lying around when they can’t find partners to enable protein function. We call them ‘orphan proteins’. But in this case, it seems like the synapses are making use of these free 19S particles and adapting them to fulfill alternative functions in the synapses,” Chao Sun explains.With this new discovery, scientist now has a new target for both understanding and treating neurological diseases with dysfunctional synapses, such as Parkinson’s disease and dementia."
So basically they found that 19S has multiple brain functions. It acts in concert with 20S AND has a function alone. But by framing it as  "adaptation and variety in nature" they make it sound as something it's not. 
***Al they found was just another function they hadn't previously known. Nothing to do with, reinforce or go hand in hand with evolution. 
It appears 19S was DESIGNED for multiple functions.