Friday, May 12, 2023

SDA issues: Nascar Sponsor?

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8

"An entire racing team consists of almost 100 people.
As you can imagine, this is a serious financial commitment, and owners look to sponsors, advertisers, to defray the costs. 
There are levels of sponsorship that look something like this:
  • $500,000 to $2 million for an Associate sponsor – A logo on
    either the lower rear quarter panels, the rear deck lid, or one post.
  • $2 to $5 million for a Major sponsor – A logo prominently displayed on either the rear quarter panels or the rear deck lid, and the uniforms.
  • $10 to $20 million for a Primary sponsor – Logos on the entire hood and quarter panels, the signage below the quarter panels, most of the two posts, the equipment, the uniforms, as well as the color scheme of the car and team uniforms.
It might be even more than twenty million dollars; according to Business Insider, over the 38 race NASCAR season, primary sponsors will pay between $5 and $35 million dollars. As you will see from the video, AdventHealth is a primary sponsor, meaning that they are spending up to $35 million to sponsor a NASCAR team.
Beyond merely sponsoring a car and a team, AdventHealth has now sponsored an entire event, the “Advent Health 400,” a 400 mile race at the Kansas Motor Speedway, near Kansas City, KS. AdventHealth and Kansas Speedway announced in February, 2022, that AdventHealth would become “the official health care provider of the track and gain naming rights for the May races.” 
AdventHealth, the article said, already serves as the presenting sponsor of Speedways at Daytona International Speedway and as the primary sponsor for Ross Chastain’s car in the Cup Series.
Which brings us to the incident with Ross Chastain that happened during the running of the AdventHealth 400 last Sunday. It appears from the video footage that Chastain ran Noah Gragson, who was driving the “Sunseeker Resort” car, into the wall. Gragson apparently did not appreciate this tactic and went to have words with Chastain when they were both out of their vehicles. He was a little too demonstrative for Chastain’s taste, and Chastain threw a punch that connected with an audible crack.
First, do hospitals even need to advertise? Instead of spending millions on advertising, why not lower your prices? 
Second, even assuming that hospitals need to advertise, do they need to advertise with NASCAR?" 