Sunday, May 21, 2023

Portland, IN Obituary Lesson: Just throwing a Bolt [1878]

To day if ye will hear His voice
harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. 
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. 
For what is your life? It is even a vapor
that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away 
Hebrews 3:15/James 4:14
"Cut in Two by a Circular Saw"
Portland, Ind., Aug. 15—About 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon,
The Actual Factory

George Harden, a laborer in Hays & Brother’s stave factory, was caught and thrown across a circular saw, killing him almost instantly. He was attempting to throw a bolt out of gear, which was just over the equalizing saws, using a long iron rod for the purpose, when the rod caught and hurled him upon one of the saws. He was cut from the top of the right shoulder diagonally across the body in to the abdomen. He lived only three minutes. He leaves a wife and four small children without visible means of support. The affair has cast quite a gloom over the community.
Ledger-Standard. August 15, 1878. P 1 c 2."
**Stave mills produce the narrow strips of wood that compose the sides of barrels. Barrels were vital for the transportation of goods in the days before easily fabricated boxes and waterproof plastic containers.