Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Papal Notes - Calling for an "Ecumenical Character"

And all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? Revelation 13:3, 4
"Pope Francis arrived in Hungary on April 28, 2023, for an
apostolic visit to the nation. During a welcome ceremony, the
Pope met with the president, the prime minister, and other political authorities at the Sándor Palace. In his official address to the nation, Pope Francis urged Hungarians and the European community to come together as one, to use Christianity as a “bridge builder,” and to end divisions. The Vatican’s Holy Press Office reported the following:
The most famous bridge in Budapest, the chain bridge, helps us to envision that kind of Europe, since it is composed of many great and diverse links that derive their solidity and strength from being joined together. In this regard, the Christian faith can be a resource, and Hungary can act as a “bridge builder” by drawing upon its specific ecumenical character..... It is urgent then, as Europe, to work for secure and legal corridors and established processes for meeting an epochal challenge that is ineluctable and needs to be acknowledged, in order to prepare a future that, unless it is shared, will not exist.” 
Pope Francis is urging church and state to collaborate in order to
impact and change our societies. This is a dangerous course that will lead to disastrous results such as the loss of religious freedoms, the corruption of the church, and the undermining of our civil rights. The
Pope is once again inserting himself into political matters, seeking political power, and causing the world to become intoxicated with the wine of Babylon." AdventMessenger