Sunday, May 14, 2023

IN the NEWS - WHY this Trans Explosion Among the Youth?

 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
"Historically, gender dysphoria only affected a small percentage of
children, less than 0.01 percent, and almost all the cases were boys. 
Today, the U.S. has seen an estimated 1,000 percent rise in gender dysphoria over the past decade, and the UK has reported a more than 4,000 percent rise in girls demanding gender ‘treatments.’ And 70 percent of ‘sex reassignment’ surgeries were done on girls.
Q: How to explain this explosion in American public schools?
Fontanilla points to social media pressures as one partial explanation, but much more important are public school teachers and administrators and the Far-Left advocacy groups funding the movement’s training and propaganda resources, especially the Human Rights Campaign (HRC).
Q: Ever heard of HRC’s Thrive Conference
Odds are you haven’t, but the influence of this program is undeniable. Every year, Thrive trains thousands of “youth-serving professionals, including teachers and counselors, on how to ‘create safe, inclusive, and welcoming environments for LGBTQ+ youth.'”
According to Fontanilla, the materials provided by the Thrive event
include comprehensive lesson plans now used in thousands of public school elementary and middle school classrooms.
Lesson titles for some of their kindergarten–2nd-grade lesson plans include ‘Jacob’s New Dress: Understanding Gender Expression;’ ‘They, She, He, Easy as ABC: Understanding Names, Pronouns, and Gender Expression;’ ‘Chimera Butterflies: Non-Binary Animals;’ and ‘I am Jazz: Understanding Transgender Children.’”
Here’s something to think about: Every minute of classroom instruction that is devoted to teaching second-graders about “understanding gender expression” is an hour that is not focused on improving their reading and math skills, the two skills that are the essential foundation of all subsequent learning." PJM