Friday, May 5, 2023

IN the NEWS - When Astronomers Play False Prophet

 "Star devours planet in glimpse into Earth’s eventual fate-----Astronomers in the United States revealed that they had witnessed
for the first time one of the most destructive forces in the cosmos: a dying star which had expanded massively into a red giant and destroyed a planet which had the misfortune of being nearby.....Closer inspection, including with NASA’s infrared space telescope NEOWISE, revealed that the dying star – located in the Milky Way galaxy around 12,000 light years from Earth – had swallowed a gas giant of similar size to Jupiter that had been orbiting around it. The entire process, they surmised, took around 100 days.....“After the billions of years that span the lifetime of our solar system, our own end stages will likely conclude in a final flash that lasts only a few months,” said Ryan Lau, a research partner of De’s, who added that their findings “speak to the transience of our existence.”
Although their Prophecy is kind of close---but way off on timescale--they still are missing the mark----it does end in a fiery mess---but more like this---But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which 
---the heavens shall pass away with a great noise
---and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. 
2 Peter 3:10