Thursday, May 11, 2023

IN the NEWS - TIME Magazine calls for a new "Holiday" (Holy Day)

They traded the truth about God for a lie
So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator Himself.... Romans 1:25 NLT
Read their article will see that the Modern Environmental Movement really is trying to replace God....

"The Case For Making Earth Day a Religious Holiday--So, on this 53rd Earth Day we thought it useful to pose what a real Earth Day should represent and how it could form a central time for a new approach to worship.
Q: So, what would an earth-reverent belief system look like with Earth Day at its center?
To begin with, let’s take a look at what established religions get right and where we might take a cue. 
Perhaps the first step might be, um, unearthing the nature-centered
origins of our existing religious holidays. Christmas and Hanukkah fall around the time of the winter solstice; that Easter and Passover are celebrated in tandem with the arrival of spring; that Sukkot and Diwali mark harvest and summer’s last warmth, and Eid follows the path of the moon. These holidays have origins in gratitude. Gratitude for the sun returning. Gratitude for the harvest that could avert the starvation winter might bring. Thanks for when it did avert it. We could conceivably reframe these holidays as days of thanks for what the natural world gives and reminders that our responsibility for what remains is an ongoing covenant.
Next, we might look at what religions do to help us form community and mark life’s important benchmarks: birth, maturity, marriage, and death. What if we were to come to celebrate these benchmarks for
what they are biologically? Birth, that ecstatic co-joining of atoms and molecules resulting in sentience might prompt a ritual of truthfully and factually recounting how inanimate becomes animate. Death, finally, might be recognized for what it is—a returning of atoms and molecules to the cycle. In the cycle of life, the coming apart is as miraculous a process as the joining. We still don’t really know how nothing became something and formed a universe in which random pulses of energy and matter coalesced into beings writing op eds.
Lastly, we might just need a book. What if a book like that existed
for the Earth? 
What if it were replete with hymns to this world of the living? What if it contained the stories of the prophets of natural earth knowledgeDarwin and Carson, Galileo and Humboldt? What if we used that book not to scold our children into following commandments but rather to light a path forward that encouraged discovery and reverence, and gratitude for the relationships that are this planetary spaceship’s life-support?" 