Sunday, May 7, 2023

IN the NEWS - "It must have seemed like the end of days"

And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die. Genesis 6:17
A Glimpse in the story below of what the Flood and Ice Age that followed it must have been like.... (of course the writers of the article don't believe in the global flood....they likely never will no matter how much evidence they find)

"The world experienced .....apocalyptic conditions ...triggered by a
reversal of the Earth’s magnetic poles combined with changes in the Sun’s behavior. That’s the key finding of our new multidisciplinary study, published in Science.
This last major geomagnetic reversal triggered a series of dramatic events that have far-reaching consequences for our planet. 
They read like the plot of a horror movie: the ozone layer was destroyed, electrical storms raged .... solar winds generated spectacular light shows (auroras), Arctic air poured across North America, ice sheets and glaciers surged and weather patterns shifted violently
During these events, life on earth was exposed to intense ultraviolet light,....giant animals .... went extinct, while modern humans sought
protection in caves. 
With essentially no magnetic field, our planet totally lost its very effective shield against cosmic radiation, and many more of these very penetrating particles from space could access the top of the atmosphere. 
On top of this, the Sun experienced several “grand solar minima” throughout this period, during which the overall solar activity was generally much lower but also more unstable, sending out numerous massive solar flares that allowed more powerful ionising cosmic rays to reach Earth.  
It must have seemed like the end of days." 